Chinese Zodiac

Chinese astrology is based on the Chinese calendar, which is regulated by the lunar phases , the Chinese New Year is celebrated between January 21 and February 19 (variable date ) .
The Chinese calendar was introduced by Emperor Huang Ti in the year 60 of his reign , is governed by lunar cycles and consists of periods of 360 years which are divided into 60-year cycles . These 60 years are in turn divided into periods of five trained for 12 years each.
The 12-year cycles corresponding to the time it takes Jupiter to travel the Zodiac ( the twelve animals or branches) .

According to legend , Buddha next to lighting, calls all animals , but only twelve come in the following order : the Rat , the Ox or Buffalo , Tiger , Hare , Cat or Rabbit , Dragon , Snake , Horse , Goat or Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig or Boar .
In appreciation of your visit Buddha granted certain strengths and weaknesses to each animal that will affect people born in the same year Chinese , sharing similar traits and personality tendencies .

Also for every cycle of twelve months or twelve animals have different characteristics depending on the item that applies: Wood, Water, Earth, Fire and Metal . Each of these five elements is associated with a color, a cardinal , a direction, season, planet, etc. . and related to two aspects: the yin and yang ( feminine and masculine) .